About Us

Our approach to ending sexual violence

Welcome to LUFC







About Us

Our approach to ending sexual violence among youth.

Welcome to LUFC

“Sexual assault and domestic violence are difficult things to talk about. Talk about them anyway” – Mariska Hargitay, American Actress and Philanthropist

Our Approach to Prevention

About this Site

SCCADVASA is excited to share this comprehensive prevention website with our member organizations, community partners, and the general public. The website aims to increase the communities’ understanding of ways to promote healthy relationships in our communities and provide strategies to reduce the likelihood of sexual violence among youth.
SCCADVASA developed this website through funding provided from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Rape Prevention Education (RPE) supplemental funding to address prevention specific needs during COVID-19.

Our goal for the website enables the spread of crucial information and build upon pre-existing resources to share cutting-edge tools that have not previously existed in one collective site. The incorporation of these sexual violence prevention materials is organized into an easy-to-access and interactive online format, ensuring access to best practices and promising prevention research initiatives well into the future.

We would like to thank the membership outreach partners who contributed to the collection of content, along with members of the SCCADVASA staff and our content and website developers for their assistance with this project.

Funding for this website is made available by a Center for Disease Control (CDC) Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) program COVID-19 Supplemental Funds grant (CDC-RFA-CE19-1902), awarded to the South Carolina (SC) Department of Health & Environmental Control (DHEC), Division of Women’s Health, and managed by the SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA).